
It is not uncommon to have more than one header. For instance, some headers do not offer any access to combat skills. A healer has no ability to do damage, and so would buy combat skills at the general cost or, if they wished to go for higher damage, would also purchase a fighter header.

A Note from John:

We aren’t done with the rules yet. While these headers probably won’t change, they might as we further develop skills and assign costs. Be warned. They aren’t in stone yet.

General Skills

Many skills don’t require a header to learn. Some weapon skills, for instance, can be purchased without having to buy a fighter header. Having an appropriate fighter header will significantly lower the cost of those weapon skills.


Almost anyone can pick up a weapon and use it, but only those who have trained in the use of a weapon may wield it with any amount of skill.

The Warrior is a stand up and take it, front-line fighter type, able to deal damage and take it in equal measure. He may swing with great strength and may also have knowledge in how to use a shield.

The Harrier strikes best from surprise and often from behind. Although he deals significant amounts of damage, he cannot take the punishment that a warrior can.

The Archer does damage from a distance with a bow, a crossbow or a thrown weapon.

The Brawler fights without a weapon. The damage he deals is not as great as that of the other fighter types, but skilled brawlers are often sought after to become monks.

Priest of the Word

A Priest of the Word is the voice of the First Patron. He can read the Written Word, and sometimes change what is written. Priests make excellent healers, scholars and, against the forces of Demon-kind and the undead, warriors. Priest is itself a header, but a character can specialize, training further in any of four other paths.

Priest is a general header, and is the prerequisite for the other priest headers.

Paladins are specialized warriors who excel at fighting the demons of Anathema and the undead that plague the Written World. A Paladin is most effective when the character also takes a fighter header.

Healers not only tend to the wounded on the field of battle, but can often keep them from harm in the first place by granting them the ability to mitigate damage.

Scholars tend to the Written Word, researching lost truths, verifying newly discovered or newly created works and the like.

Monks are priests who have forgone the use of weapons. While they begin their training as simple brawlers, they learn higher forms of unarmed combat and can perform skilled maneuvers. In some cases monks are no longer associated with the Church, although they tend to still be very spiritual people.


As the name implies, Magicians work magic, manipulating it to cause wondrous effects. While most spells were originally created to serve other, more practical functions, there is no denying the fact that a magician is a force to be reckoned with on any field of battle. There are two Magician Headers, and it is not uncommon for a character to learn both.

The Elementalist casts spells on the fly, specializing in manipulating and hurling elemental force, or even magical force in its rawest form.

The Ritualist uses huge amounts of magical power to forge magical items and effects.


The Sandman has learned to enter and manipulate the power of dreams, and even to manipulate the Slumberland itself. There are four headers available to the trained Sandman.

Sandman is a general header. Several skills are available to the three specialties, and act as prerequisites for the three dreamer paths.

The Adept has learned to control his own dreams and become more powerful in the Slumberlands than he ever could be in the waking world.

The Empath has learned to affect the dreams of others, and to grant them abilities to help them stand up for themselves against the figments of dream.

The Architect has learned to manipulate the dream world itself, and has learned to draw on some of his abilities even while in the waking world. Adepts and Empaths often learn the skills of the Architect as well.


Anyone can chew a leaf and gain some effect from it, for good or ill, but a trained Herbalist can tease much greater effect out of the same leaf. Those who wish to dabble in the making of potions would benefit from this. Those who wish to take these skills even farther might become a wood witch.


Whether it be the wilds of the woods or her own hearth and home, the witch lives in harmony with her environment. She relies on the natural forces of the world to fuel her abilities, and seeks attunement with those forces.

The Hearth Witch creates a welcome environment for those seeking rest. She is a caretaker for those in need or for those who share her home.

The Woodwitch is more in tune with the forest, and understands how to draw much power from the things that grow there. While anyone can be an herbalist, a witch can take the abilities of the herbalist considerably farther.

Man of Science

A Man of Science had learned to craft wonderful (if outdated) gadgets which he powers using bottled lightning and crystals. Men of Science are often regarded as being somewhat odd, fixated on a path of learning that is considered outdated and soon to be irrelevant. Still, the foundation of every town and city is laid with scientific gadgets, and Men of Science have no trouble finding work.


Plenty of places in the Written World are protected by locks and traps and other devices. A rogue is skilled in getting past these barriers and to the stuff on other side. Not everyone who learns the skills of roguery are criminals - even the king of Farraway trains his Jacks thus – but, to call a spade a spade, many are. It is from these individuals that this header gets its name.

Rogue skills are very useful. The woods are filled with ancient Robber Baron tombs and caches. Spiders weave their homes in the most annoying of places, and it takes a steady hand to get through all those webs. There are countless ruins and the like hidden among the trees.


Songwriters and talespinners, the bards from the school in Briardown can sway the emotions of those who hear their words. They can inspire courage or invoke fear, and their words can change the tide of battle. A bard typically knows the latest rumors, and since his words carry much weight, can often start them.

Reputation is everything to a bard, and his title is usually enough to open doors.

Other Headers

There are other headers, secret or not, that can be learned during game.

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Designed by Jonathan Heard